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D2.3 Urban Water Management

The course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts of urban water management, focusing on sustainable and distributed technologies for the three flows of water in an urban setting (drinking water, wastewater, drainage). Technologies covered include sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), rainwater harvesting systems and green roofs, urban water demand management, smart meters, grey water recycling, sewer mining, circular economy, and cyber-physical water systems security. Students are introduced to state-of-the-art modelling tools for integrated urban water systems in multiple spatial scales (from household to city level) and to novel concepts in urban water systems strategic planning, such as resilience.  The structure of the course is as follows:

  1. Introduction to urban water systems
  2. Conventional water supply works
  3. Conventional drainage and wastewater urban systems
  4. Redesigning the urban water cycle
  5. Urban water demand management
  6. SUDS applications
  7. Rainwater harvesting systems
  8. Grey water recycling and sewer mining technologies
  9. Introduction to urban water cycle modelling with UWOT
  10. Advanced urban water cycle modelling with UWOT
  11. Resilience assessment of urban water systems
  12. Cyber-physical water systems and cyber-physical security
  13. Circular economy and urban water economics