Special Interdepartmental Committee and Coordination Committee

The Programme is administrated by the Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC) , whose members are elected by the participating Schools. The current SIC was defined after the reestablishment of the Programme in 2018. The coordination of the Programme is performed by the Coordination Committee (CC). The Director and the Vice-Director of the Programme is elected by the Special Interdepartmental Committee.

Since its first establishment in September 1998, the Directors of the Programme were the following:

1998-2004 Professor Themistocles Xanthopoulos, 2004-2008 Professor George Chistodoulou, 2008-2010 Professor Andreas Andreadakis.
2010-2014 Professor Maria Mimikou, 2014-2016 Professor George Christodoulou, 2016-2022 Professor Anastasios Stamou, 2022-2024 Professor Daniel Mamais.



Name-Surname: Daniel Mamais
Telephone: 0030 210 77 22 901
E-mail: mamais@central.ntua.gr
Occupation: Professor at the School of Civil Engineering
Specilization: Water quality management and water and wastewater treatment
Website: http://www.eyt.gr/z/index.php/daniel-mamais
Office: Hydraulics’ Building, Office 402
Address: Laboratory of Health Technology, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou, P.C. 15780, Athens, Greece

Members of the Special Interdepartmental Committee (SIC) and the Coordination Committee (CC)


Name-Surname Andreas Kallioras
Telephone: 0030 210 77 22 098
E-mail: kallioras@metal.ntua.gr
Specilization: Assistant Professor at the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Cognitive object: Management, operation and protection of aquifers
Website: http://www.metal.ntua.gr/?team_member=ανδρέας-καλλιώρας
Office: Office 1.18, Building of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering
Address: Laboratory of Technical Geology & Hydrology, School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou P.C. 15780 Athens, Greece


Name-Surname: Daniel Mamais
Telephone: 0030 210 77 22 901
E-mail: mamais@central.ntua.gr
Occupation: Professor at the School of Civil Engineering
Specilization: Water quality management and water and wastewater treatment
Website: http://www.eyt.gr/z/index.php/daniel-mamais
Office: Hydraulics’ Building, Office 402
Address: Laboratory of Health Technology, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou, P.C. 15780, Athens, Greece


Name-Surname: Evangelos Baltas
Telephone: 0030 210 77 22 883
E-mail: baltas@central.ntua.gr
Specilization: Professor at the School of Civil Engineering
Cognitive object: Hydrology and Quantitative Management of Water Resources
Website: http://www.chi.civil.ntua.gr/?p=2520
Office: Materials Building, Side A, 4th Floor
Address: Hydrology Laboratory, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou P.C. 15780 Athens, Greece


Name-Surname: Vasiliki Tsoukala
Telephone: 0030 210 77 22 372
E-mail: tsoukala@mail.ntua.gr
Occupation: Professor at the School of Civil Engineering
Specilization: Marine Hydraulics and Port Harbor
Website: https://www.hydro.ntua.gr/faculty/stamou/gr/index.htm
Office: Laboratory of Harbor Works
Address: Laboratory of Harbor Works, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou P.C. 15780 Athens, Greece


Name-Surname: Vasileios A. Tsihrintzis
Telephone: 0030 210 772 2620
E-mail: tsihrin@survey.ntua.gr
Occupation: Professor at School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
Specilization: Ecological Engineering and Technology
Website: http://www.survey.ntua.gr/el/dep/tsixrintzis-vasileios
Office: Bei Building, Office B.123
Address:  School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Iroon Polytechneiou 9, Zografou 157 80, Athens