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C2.4 Port Policy and Development Strategies

The aim of the course is the introduction to the concepts policy and strategy and their application for the development and governance of an efficient port system. The subjects of the course are: the methods and the tools required for decision-making from the “policymakers”, the international organizations involved and their relationship with the ports, the European Port policy, the port governance types, the drivers for port’s growth and development and the strategies for the development of port authorities; finally, the Greek Port System is presented as well as the problems it faces. The above topics are covered with the following order:

  1. Introduction, definitions of port strategy and policy.
  2. Indexes and indicators, key performance indicators (KPI) and tools for the decision making process.
  3. Port planning and master plan, project assessment and optimization.
  4. International organizations related to ports.
  5. Introduction to European policies.
  6. European policies for ports
  7. EU Legislative acts related to Ports.
  8. Port governance and port management.
  9. Concessions and PPP’s (Public Private Partnerships).
  10. Port system, the Greek Port System: problems and perspectives.
  11. Greek port strategy, policy and legislative framework.
  12. Port operators, international port competition and maritime spatial planning.